Dear Parents Thank you for your patience in waiting for clarity re provision at Falkland Rd from Wednesday 6th January. As per Government direction Falkland Road will be open for all students who are vulnerable or whose parents are critical workers. We will be delivering teaching on line as per the previous lockdown in the spring and summer of 2020 using Google software. Your child will be able to access their lessons online either in your home or at Falkland Road. Lessons will be timetabled as per normal, students attending Falkland Road will start and finish at their usual times. If your child will be accessing their lessons from home, I would be grateful if you could confirm this either by phone, text, or e mail. Please note that we may need to alter provision should the local or national situation change. Where we are given notice of any changes, we will be able to provide you with information in advance. I hope this provides clarity, if you have any questions please contact us. Regards Jim Bowyer, Head teacher.